Unit 3 – Task 5: My Roles and Responsibilities and Working Process — May 22, 2019

Unit 3 – Task 5: My Roles and Responsibilities and Working Process

My roles and responsibilities for my next project will be everything as i am working alone and will have to complete all research, Concept designs, models and animation/editing.

I will start by getting a basic rough idea to work off and develop as i progress through my research. The research part of the production as it helps a lot with atmosphere if your trying to get a specific location to have the same feel or even animal movements to make it seem believable.  Research can also change your perspective on an idea and make you go about it a different way such as maybe wanting to do a controversial time zone like the world wars and maybe put a twist on it so its not exactly the same and changes up the feeling instead of being like every other war game. Wolfenstein is a good example of this as that whole game series is basically about the world wars and if Germany won the war and took control of America and the UK. This gives the developer a lot more freedom as now you dont have to stick to a realistic path as so much could’ve changed through time. In my opinion creating/coming up with an idea is easier when you aren’t using a specific subject so you could go and make really creepy looking things to put in the game to expand the gamers experience and add some more backstory to the game.

Another key part of pre production is the concept art. Doing this will help me create the final character and other major assets that need a bit of detail. This also comes hand in hand with the research because depending on time zones and location your characters, buildings and other objects will look different and have a certain feel and style. For example if you were creating a game set in japan in the year 3000 they most likely wont be wearing ripped and traditional robes or if they are they might have developed and changed up a little bit and have a slight different style. This is why concept art and research are crucial for a game as it gives you the basic idea of something similar you want and then you can develop it through trial and error of what works and what doesn’t or change they style and give it your own twist. Concept art also saves you a bit of time instead of creating a character or creature of the top of your hand and rushing the creation process, which more than likely will fail and look up to scratch. Having concept art to work from is great so you can keep referring back to the drawings/images and either change it up as you go or stick to the designs if they are perfect for what you want with the final outcome.

Skills i will need for this project are:

Research (Finding information from relevant sources efficiently)

Creating original characters/assets (Using cinema 4D)

Post production ( Final editing to complete the movie)

Learn how to animate in cinema 4D

I am new to cinema 4D and some other programms that i have access to this year so learning shortcuts and other parts of the software is a must. I will learn most the tools from my tutors but i will find some helpful tutorials that teach me how to do certain effects or techniques to get the right outcome for my project. I have chosen not to do a game as using unity was very difficult and was taking me so long to get my head around, i think in order to pass the course with a decent grade i will need to do an animation as i already have a little bit of experience doing them and i find it a bit more enjoyable and less stressful.

The roles i have to take on to complete this project are:



Sound effects

Pre production

Doing a project alone is quite a big task as i have no one to help me with parts of the production where as if it was an actual game there would be different people who specialise in each criteria to play a part and create the game as a group. As i am working alone, this means i need to do all roles which means i can try playing all parts and see which one i prefer and would like to do.

I have a little bit of experience in after effects because that is what i used last year for my final project as i did a skating animation of me and my friends. This year i am using cinema 4D for the first time and hopefully will gain some skills to create some good looking assets. I will be creating a 3D animation using other programmes like sculptris, photoshop and Adobe Audition for the music track. With the music, i will try to play with the song and change it up so its not just a stolen song from youtube. Im going to watch some tutorials on audition as i have never used it before and i am hoping to change some settings and toy with the pitch and normal sound of the song.

To animate the scenes i will create them all on cinema 4D and i could either transfer them onto after effects and animate them over there which may be easier for me as i already have some experience on there but the other option is animating it on cinema 4D which i may try to do because it would save me time to do it all on one software instead of passing all of the scenes through softwares and risking some more failures which could put me back. Animating in cinema 4D is quite easy as all you have to do is place a camera into the scene and set a path for it to take or put it in the right spot for your scene and then make key points on the timeline if something is moving within your scene.

Time management is crucial in this project because if its not completed in time to a good enough standard i will fail. S o for this project i will spend about 2 weeks on research and concept designs then the rest of the time on practical (making the assets/scenes and editing the final piece) The practical will be the longest part as i already have a rough idea of what im going to do in my head so finding some inspiration should be quite easy. If everything goes to plan then im going to make everything needed in cinema 4D then try learn how to animate within cinema 4D and then with any other editing i need, i will do it in Premiere pro and render the full video. Im not to sure on how long the animation will be but im planning on doing at least 8 scenes hopefully being about 5-10 seconds each. If i have more time then expected i will try add some extra details and maybe add another scene. I would like to go and gather my own sounds as well but that also depends on how much time i have and how long it takes me to finish modelling and animating because the sounds and effects will all be done in post production.

Unit 3: Task 4 Job application and CV — December 17, 2018

Unit 3: Task 4 Job application and CV

Job Application for – Junior Environment Artist – Raven

Tyler Harris

I have completed a level 3 creative course in which I gained some photoshop skills, some modelling skills in Cinema 4D and some skills in unity when putting my assets and environment into the game engine. I am a very self – motivated and energetic worker who is an effective time manager and am currently in my second year of further education at South Devon College. I would like a job in the digital industry preferably modelling or animating as i have taken a liking to these aspects but im willing to try new things and learn more.


2018 – Present / South Devon College

Diploma Level 3 Creative Media

Maths GCSE

English GCSE



Level 2 Creative Media


2015 – 2017 / South Devon High School


Eco Technology: Pass

Digital Media: Pass

Computer Science: Pass



Pound Stretcher – December 2018 – Present

(Part time)

Duties include:

  • Prepare stock for sale
  • Operating tills
  • Advising customers on products
  • Replenish shelves throughout day
  • Cash up
  • Ensure working areas are kept clear and clean
  • Covering shifts for absent members of staff


Western Event Hire – May 2017 – September 2017

Duties included:

  • Preparing orders to inventory listings
  • Take and receive phone calls with clients
  • Safe loading orders to lorries
  • Ensuring loads were safe for manual handling


Paignton Pier – June 2015 – June 2016

Duties included:
  • Ensuring children safety at all times
  • Regular health and safety checks on rides
  • Advising customers on ride suitability
  • Cashier


Key skills and attributes:

  • A flexible approach to changing situations demonstrated at Pound stretchers when covering shifts
  • Good interpersonal skills demonstrated at Paignton pier when advising parents and children on rides
  • A good organiser with an eye for detail demonstrated at Western event hire when planning loads
  • Can work well on own initiative when preparing orders at western event hire
  • Highly numerate and computer literate demonstrated at pound stretcher when carrying out cashing out procedures



Hobbies and interests:

I enjoy the outdoor environment which includes sea swimming, skateboarding, cycling and jogging. I am often helping out with nieces and nephews with their schooling and homework. I am currently learning to drive and would like to travel to different countries to experience different lifestyles.



PoundStrecher – Jon – +44 1803527063

Western Event Hire – Alex Phillips – 01392 252351

Paignton Pier – Loraine Arnold – 01803 522139

Task:3 Skills/progression plan — December 10, 2018

Task:3 Skills/progression plan

At the end of the next 5 years, I would like to have a job in games design doing the graphics or actual gameplay. To do this I will need a huge variety of skills so I can progress through the industry and get to where I want to be.

These are the skills I will need:

  • ability to manage people, time, budget and resources
  • excellent communication and presentation skills
  • good organisational and personal/technical problem solving
  • good negotiation, conflict resolution and decision making skills
  • a passion for games and knowledge of game design theory
  • traditional and computer art and design skills
  • ability to work to a style guide
  • knowledge of 2D and 3D modelling and animation packages
  • knowledge of constraints, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills
  • awareness of colour, modelling and texturing techniques
  • the ability to work as part of a team and independently
  • attention to detail and observation skills
  • knowledge of console hardware architecture
  • understanding and proficiency in using 3D graphics software
  • ability to anticipate the needs of the artists so as to streamline their productivity
  • hands-on understanding of programming roles and advanced programming skills
  • storytelling and narrative development skills
  • information design and user interface design skills
  • spatial awareness and the ability to visualise layouts
  • IT skills and competence in the use of world editing tools
  • knowledge of different platforms
  • ability to play games for long periods
  • ability to compose and perform music
  • sound engineering skills and knowledge of the relevant tools and technology
  • aural skills, a sense of timing, and attention to detail

To acquire these skills I will complete the 2-year course I am on currently to achieve my understanding of programmes and skills in each of them to give my own interpretation into the games.

I currently have a part-time job where I am learning to manage my time, budget and resources. I am also dealing with customers so I am using good communication skills and customer service.

I am hoping to get an apprenticeship in the industry so I can progress through the qualifications whilst earning a little bit of money and still learning some skills and finalising my qualifications.

At the moment I am learning how to create game assets and use/model 3d and 2d characters and assets for in a game using the Adobe suite and other programmes such as sculptris and unity.

I am more than capable of playing games for a long period of time and I use to play a couple of instruments when I was younger so composing/performing my own music is not an issue and would be interesting to see what the outcome looks like.

To get a job in the industry i will need quite a few qualifications in media which would all benefit each other in their own way and would help me bring different styles and techniques from each area to another and hopefully benefit the project.

https://www.screenskills.com/education-training/careers-information/job-profiles/animation-games-and-vfx/games/ — screen skills job list

Camera angles task — November 19, 2018
Task 2: Jobs research report — November 13, 2018

Task 2: Jobs research report


I did some research on different apprenticeships around England and i found this one in Bristol college.


This is a very well paying apprenticeship with a little less hours then most others i had read through.


  • Art: be very good at drawing by hand, understand of composition, draw in a way that matches genre styles such as fantasy, sci-fi or cartoon

My current skills and what I need to develop – I am not the best/most confident drawer by hand but i wouldn’t consider myself terrible.

  • Creativity: imagine how a character will look, starting from a written brief

My current skills and what I need to develop –  I would say i am currently pretty good at getting a standard idea for a character as long as i have some piece of text with some description to help me out. Trying to make something fresh is hard because so many types of things have been done so it will always relate slightly to something else.

  • Using art software: create 2D and 3D art using a range of programmes, know the latest technologies and techniques

My current skills and what I need to develop – I prefer to make something digitally rather than physically especially if its 3D, animation or on photoshop. I find it easier to get used to and feel i am better on computers than pen and paper.

  • Communication: work with the other artists and in the team, share the vision with designers and games developers

My current skills and what I need to develop –  My communication has gotten better than before but i still chose to work alone on these projects as i can understand each creation process and helps me decide the route i would most likely choose to continue with.

  • Knowledge of games: understand gameplay, have market awareness, appreciate how art will be experienced as a player

My current skills and what I need to develop – During this course i have realised how difficult making a triple A game must be especially when customers are critical and talk bad about games that have been in development for years. Making character models and structures is very time consuming so having thousands in your game is pretty big already let alone the animation for cutscenes. Games should definatly be given more credit for the production process.



Changing a character from bad to good —
Unit 3 Task 1: Progression routes and job — November 12, 2018

Unit 3 Task 1: Progression routes and job

To get a job in This industry i will need the following requirements. They are different for each possible route i could take.

Uni – From a quick look on the UCAS website and search of graphic design courses, a wide variety of options around the country have come up.Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 11.04.36.pngScreen Shot 2018-11-13 at 11.12.25.png

Looking on the application form for the ‘University of the Arts London’ they offer you first hand experience working with big companies such as Audi, the BBC, MTV, Nike and many others. To get a spot in this university you must present a portfolio of all your work and have an interview with the head of the course. The funds for this course i pretty expensive, starting at year 1 anywhere in the UK will cost £9,250 which is a lot of money.

Work Experience – To go straight to working full time instead of progressing through the qualifications you will need to be ‘highly proficient’ in the adobe programs and must have a good work ethic and intelligence in the creativity of this subject. In the job you will be working with marketing managers and making good promotional images that please the employers. You must have the creativity to create/design new logos or banners to promote whatever item or brand you are working for currently.Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 14.32.31.png

Apprenticeship – An apprenticeship is a good way of going about my career because i can earn money whilst learning and progress through higher qualifications. This means i would have a minimum wage job depending on what level i go on  and what company i go with. I would be in training for a year and once i have done the apprenticeship at the end of the year i will receive a ‘Work related skills and abilities’ certificate. With this certificate i could possibly stay with the same employer and continue progressing through different levels of qualifications or i could find another job either full time or a different apprenticeship. You must be at least 16 to apply for an apprenticeship and not in full time education, Not having a good grade does not effect your chance of getting the job compared to someone else because most employers look for the skills they need in whatever area of work it is and commitment to the job. They wouldn’t allow someone to not show up and fail in the qualifications because they didn’t put any effort in and didn’t do any good work. You must have good communication skills to develop and combine ideas with other people in the workplace and be able to work in a group comfortably and sensibly. The different levels of qualifications i can get are:

Level 3/A level

Level 4/BTEC professional diploma

Level 5/ HND or Foundation degree level

Level 6/ Bachelors degree

Level 7/ Masters degree





Cinema 4D experiment — November 6, 2018

Cinema 4D experiment



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This was my first attempt of using Cinema 4D. Its a really big program with so much going on that i struggled at the start to get used to it but i’m slowly getting more comfortable with the basics. This is a table design that i kind of went a bit mad on by adding a halfpipe in the middle as if it was for tech decks (finger skateboards)

The legs were just a small design i made whilst learning how to move and rotate certain faces and points and i liked the style and how it looks. Im going to attempt to add some textures on my next creation to give it more of a realistic look.

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