Unit 9&10 – Task 1: Identify and analyse existing media production activites – Task 2: Identify the audience — October 3, 2019

Unit 9&10 – Task 1: Identify and analyse existing media production activites – Task 2: Identify the audience


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Unfortunately I cannot access the actual website for the game because it is blocked.

Surgeon simulator as explained in the text is a funny turn on a game and very unrealistic  with hours of fun. no right or wrong way to do things s you can use tools such as axe’s, drills and big knifes etc. The textures are great as you begin in an office with various props that you can play with whilst you wait for the intermission to begin, the style is like a cartoon as it is quite bright colours and everything looks smooth and clean. Also just like in cartoons, this is very over exaggerated with blood and the things you use during the game. You then select your patient then you go to your operation room where you have your patient lying in-front of you with all of your tools and necessary equipment for the procedure. The heart rate monitoring will start beeping when your patient looses to much blood and if you don’t complete the operation in time then the patient will die and you must restart.


The audio is great with nice elevator like music at the start in the office with phones ringing then when you get into the operation room its mostly quiet until the heart rate meter begins beeping then intense music kicks in as its life or death which then puts the player under pressure. The whole game is interactive as its in VR but you can even play with objects in the office and almost anything you can grab ad throw and mess around with if your not taking the game seriously and just want to have fun. (Like most youtube that have played this)

The ethics and culture are modern doctors surgery. The could in a way be controversial and offensive towards doctors if they didn’t have a sense of humour or haven’t played it yet. Just like in this video I discovered on youtube a real surgeon in America plays the game and tries to complete it as realistic as he could. This game could be developed in the future to teach students on medial course how to do operations/surgery before they are ready to try on real people. You could just make it more realistic and less exaggerated and use the proper tools to demonstrate hw=ow it would actually go in real life.Screen Shot 2019-10-04 at 09.23.07.png

Target Audience: The age of the target audience is most likely 12-18+ because of the blood and nature of the game (opening them up and cutting different organs to replace the objective) its probably a bit to much and not suitable for anyone under the age of 10. The gender aimed at is both as there is no indication or effect on the game whether you are a boy or a girl and everything is the same so they kept it very gender neutral. Their job would probably be something within the working class group maybe a store assistant   or something simple as they are most likely still students in education with a normal part time job. Hobbies may include sports and other activites but the biggest hobbit will most probably be gaming. Disposable income may not be a lot as most the people playing the game/target audience are most likely students with a minimum wage part time job. Interest may include surgery, doctors and medial things or maybe they just enjoy playing games in VR and find something different. Geographical locations are most likely standard working class houses in towns and cities dotted about the world with reasonable amount of money to afford a console and games. Linked products are such things like Operation or other games based on hospitals, doctors, surgeries or just anything related to medical procedures. The target audiences opinions on the game must be good for them to have watched gameplay and the purchased the game, the game had a lot of help from youtubers who would play the game for hours which is then promoting the game to all of their followers/subscribers. The game from what I know has not received any majorly negative feedback in results to offensive content and has taken next to no backlash for the way the game has been c created and how it actually plays out within the game.


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Operation – The classic family board game created in 1965 is fun game where you place little props into the holes of the patient then very carefully take them out one at a time without touching the edges otherwise it will buzz and you lose a point. The game comes with small metal tweezers the you use to grab each item. The aim of the game is to get the most items with the least buzzes. The buzzer is there to put the players off as this game is all about concentration and having a steady hand but when your playing with your friends/family and they’re all getting pieces and not hitting the edges and you keep shaking and getting under pressure and touching the edges it adds a bit of depth to the game and could turns bit competitive like a few family games. Having s buzzer keep going doesn’t exactly help the fact that your panicking in a game and doesn’t make things any easier for the player which is what it wants, the game was intended to get people on the edge of their seats and getting them concentrating so hard that they start sweating.

There isn’t really much of a narrative in this game as it is a family board game to just help the patient. The games only response/audio is the buzzer when you touch the edges. The art style on the box is very cartoony as this game was meant for kids years ago to play with there family. The culture is working class families, back In the day I think most families would have had this somewhere in their house or owned it. There is not really any ethics in this game or social issues either as the main interaction is yourself collecting things from a game with tweezers.

The game is not serious at all which is great as it delivers to kids a lot more with the jokey, comic style and red buzzer nose that flashes red when you touch the edge. As the game came out near the time of the World War they ended something to keep children entertained and take their minds of everything thats going on.


Target Audience: The Target audience for this game is 3-10 because it has lots of little pieces that young unsupervised children could potentially swallow and choke on. The targeted gender is both as again there is no indication or effect on the game and shows no information on being intended for girls or boys as the game board is neutral colours and is not byast at all. This is more likely a game that parents would have bought their children so the children would not have had a job to pay for it themselves the parents would probably have full time jobs to get a family game that everyone can play. The target audiences opinion on the game would have been great as when this game was released it was a massive hit and families everywhere wanted to get it and play it. Hobbies may have included other board games and table top games or even interest with doctors and medical surgeries which would have maybe got them more interested in perusing a career in surgeries/hospitals. Disposable income would not have been a lot because when it was made in 1964 less money then would be a lot in todays day and age. Interests I think would be the same as hobbies as back when this game was invented there was not a lot you could do other than play with your friends and family doing different games and activities. Geographical locations would have been in ordinary towns and some cities where the game was being promoted and was intended for most working class families with enough money to spend a little on a board game probably for Christmas or birthdays. Linked products would be other board games that the creator Join Spinello would have taken for inspiration or just doctor equipment like the small tweezers the game comes with. Most surgery games where released after operation such as surgeon simulator and other simulators. Screen Shot 2019-10-11 at 09.26.37.png

image.png Doctor strange is a superhero character from marvel. He is an actual doctor as shown in this opening clip from the movie but then gets his powers from living with monks and learning a secret fighting style and learns about the magic of the infinity stones. The art style is real life as the film is played out by real actors but there is still slight animation in this film when he uses his powers like the green shield or orange plates that he uses as his weapons or the insanely edited part of the film where the city starts folding in on itself and looks crazy. There is no gameplay or responsiveness because it is a movie so its very linear. The colours are mostly bright and the film stays out of the dark for the most part.

The music in the film is calming as its mainly when its gaining suspense for the next scene or whats happening next.  Just before the clip I linked in you see Doctor strange washing his hands just like doctors do I real life and preparing his tools and getting ready for his surgery he is about to perform. Most of the voices in the film are big actors and recognised easily in Hollywood and such areas. Accessibility is like every other film, either buy it or pirate it off the internet or if you was lucky enough to see it at cinemas.

This film has got a few different cultures in the film but the most relevant one is the monks that he goes to live with and train with. Its a fictional clan so it wouldn’t cause any  grief/controversy. There is also no ethical or social issues as this film is very modern and Marvel studios obviously avoided causing and backlash to the studio. No religions or politics are mentioned and only historical events within the MCU are mentioned such as previous films that are relevant to the storyline.


Target Audience: The film is rated 12A by the BBFC which means that the film is suitable for 12+ with parent permission. Like the other Media resources I have looked at it is intended for both sex as there are is different sex within the film (not all boys or girls) including aliens and both genders can appeal to superheroes and have interest. Jobs may very well vary throughout because this is a triple A film made in 2016 to extend the MCU in time for their big finale, most people may have seen it in cinemas if they have enough money but a lot of people would have waited for it to be on TV or movie channels or even streaming sites. Some doctors may have even gone to watch it just to compare the characters understanding on the doctors surgery because towards the start of the film before doctor strange becomes the weapon he is, he starts of as a normal surgeon preparing to do his work by washing his hands and organising his tools etc. I found one video on youtube of an actual surgeon reacting to the scene to compare how realistic they made it.  The target audiences opinions on the film where probably good before they saw the movie as its another greatly anticipated movie from marvel preparing everyone for the great final that broke box office records. This film even got some incredibly reviews from IMDB and rotten tomato which is not a surprise considering the rest of the MCU films. Hobbies for people watching this may include other superhero interests. Disposable income will be a bit more than the other 2 sources I looked at as this is a worldwide known film and was shown almost everywhere. Linked products would include other superhero films, toys or games. Superheroes are becoming much bigger than before with the technology we have to portray them in the way the creators would like and show of their awesome skills.

creating a media based solution to a problem — September 26, 2019

creating a media based solution to a problem

Problem: Victoria skatepark is a very old park and has a lot of outdated apperatus starting to break and rust. It is a well known park in the area and not just for the skatepark but for the kids play park and the big pond surrounded by benches as a seating area from anyone. Considering the park is not run by anyone and cost nothing to use its not getting the attention it deserves and being destroyed by kids not even using it to ride or drunks leaving smashed bottles everywhere. The council have not touched the park since it being built and its down to the locals to keep the area tidy and in shape.

Solution: Promote the park by hosting competitions and posting it all over social media so more people will come down from other towns and compete which will get the park noticed by more people and hopefully the council will realise that the skatepark is a place for kids to stay out of trouble and do physical activities. We could even have a donation goal or a little fee for the skaters/riders to compete and raise a bit of money to start it off and push the council to refurbish the skatepark and keep people interested in going there. It could even bring sales to nearby shops and therefor getting the town more noticed as we are very lucky to have 2 skateparks very close to the beach and it would be a shame to see it disappear in the future. We could even try and contact some sponsors/skating companies to come and promote the competitions and maybe even sponsor some riders that could change there life and maybe even have some locals in the next skateboarding olympics.

Target audience: mainly aimed people who skate or ride bmx and scooters at 12-22 years off age but also needs to keep adults interested as they will most likely be taking there children if they are not from Paignton.

hollywoodSkatePark.jpg  The reason skateboarding is so much bigger in America and other countries is because they have parks like this one and they are often looked after. Where as parks in the UK are generally just built and then left alone to decay.

Unknown.jpg This is Victoria skatepark in Paignton and you can easily see the difference between the 2 parks. Considering skateboarding is now in the olympics I feel like we should take more care of these areas to keep future generations of kids coming here and its also a place where kids can find new hobbies and stay out of trouble on the streets.

Why do companies have mobile apps — September 19, 2019

Why do companies have mobile apps

Companies will have mobile apps as well as their website because it pushes people to come back on the app due to push notifications telling you to come back or showing you what deals/promotions they have going on. The app is usually quicker also because the data is all downloaded onto the app instead of being on the web browser and it having to load the information through the servers which are probably a lot more busy. By having an app it will help the company aim at that specific person for their recent searchers and help them shop or look for things that may interest them therefor making them more sales and at the same time promoting the industry.

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